
Digital Summit 2024

Digital Summit 2024

This year’s Digital Summit, which has as its theme ‘Digital Germany – Innovative. Sovereign. International’, will take place in Frankfurt am Main, Germany on the 21st and 22nd October.

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There, the Federal Government will discuss vital issues for our future, such as digital innovation, digital sovereignty and international cooperation, with over 1000 citizens from private and public sectors, the scientific community and civil society.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Federal Minister for Digital Dr Volker Wissing, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Dr Robert Habeck and other members of the Federal Cabinet will be there to answer questions on their digital policy and explain their ambitions for Germany as a digital hub.

Hesse as a partner state and Frankfurt am Main as the venue

Based on their impressive application, the federal state of Hesse and the city of Frankfurt were chosen to host this year’s Digital Summit. As one of the most important centres of the German financial and digital sectors, Frankfurt has a strong data centre landscape and great research expertise, making it an ideal setting for the 2024 Digital Summit. The Federal Government’s summit can truly become a holistic experience for citizens there. The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action are organizing this year’s Digital Summit.

Focus on innovation, sovereignty and internationality

Digital innovation shapes our society in a variety of ways. It is a key driver of our economic prosperity. We cannot have digital innovation and a resilient society without digital sovereignty, which is strengthened by a shared international value set. Where is Germany’s potential to lead as a digital pioneer and what are possible challenges? Which digital innovations will be our focus in future? Based on these and similar questions, the Federal Government will showcase the opportunities and potential inherent in its digital policy and present possible solutions.

Programme to be set by summer

The Digital Summit programme will be available here from summer 2024.

Concept: Dialogue forum with the Federal Government

The Federal Government Digital Summit sees itself as a dialogue forum in which participants from the public and private sectors, the scientific community and civil society can interact directly with the Federal Government. It will give them inspiration in variety of areas, an opportunity to help set the course for future digital policy, and increase the visibility of their own concerns. The Digital Summit makes this possible with the right blend of innovation, exclusivity and transparency, societal relevance and interpersonal networking.

The Digital Summit builds on eight platforms to identify issues, projects and exhibits and prepare them for presentation at the Digital Summit.

The preparation and design of the Digital Summit are based on five guiding principles:

The Digital Summit showcases the diversity of digital issues.

The Digital Summit promotes dialogue with the Federal Government.
The Digital Summit is interactive, international and inclusive.
The Digital Summit is guided by the year’s focus topic.
The Digital Summit lets the host city play an integral role.

Get in touch with the Digital Summit team!
Send your questions on the Digital Summit to:

Christian Lipicki
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Dr. Stephan Zaß
Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport

Christian Marx
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Christiane Stadler
Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport

An overview: the platforms of the Digital Summit (in German)

cable and laptop

Platform 1 "Digital networks and mobility"

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working in the office

Platform 2 "Innovative and sustainable digitisation of the economy"

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analyse radiographs

Platform 3 "Learning Systems – the Platform for Artificial Intelligence"

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working in the office

Platform 4 "Digital world of work"

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fingerprint scanner

Platform 5 "Digital administration and public-sector IT"

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photographer working on laptop

Platform 6 "Culture and media"

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paying with smartphone

Platform 7 "Consumer protection policy in the digital world"

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